We the Italians March 21, 2016 - 77 | Page 16

st # 77 MARCH 21 , 2016 Abruzzi Museum will let you in on all the inside stories surrounding the apparatus, personages and adventures that have influenced the history of mountaineering. Not only skiing, but a wide range of other activities will appeal to all visitors here: from the classic après-ski, with folk bands playing in the Jardin de L’Ange, to tennis matches and ice skating. Hikers will love Courmayeur as well, as will climbers and trekkers, in such sites as the Ferret and Veny Valleys or the nearby Castle of Entrèves. Finally, for those interested in more relaxing activities, a simple stroll through the streets of the town center or shopping in its numerous shops are always on offer. 16 | WE THE ITALIANS www.wetheitalians.com