We the Italians July 18, 2016 - 81 | Page 8

th tH # 81 JULY 18 , 2016 # 81 juLY 18 , 2016 read more #interviews THE INTERVIEW: PIERO BASSETTI Italici wake up! A journey into the ideas of a great thinker, Piero By Umberto Mucci The theme of ‘italianness’ is very important for us of We the Italians, and, of course, for our readers: a community of people living in the U.S. who can be, depending on the case, either born in Italy, or in the States. However, the community we are talking about is even bigger, as it also includes other readers from Italy who are interested in the relationship between the two: Italy and the United States. According to a charismatic Italian person, the idea of "italianità" (essere italiano) should be overcome, revised, in order to introduce the new, more appropriate theory of what he calls "italicità" (essere italico)’. On one hand, it is a rather interesting and innovative concept, but, on the other, it sounds a bit challenging, provocative. The charismatic thinker we are talking about is President Piero Bassetti, who we are glad to have here for our new interview. ro glocal” you talk about a community of people who has overcome the concept of ‘Italian(s)’ and has gone over it, beyond. Please tell us something about it? Our idea originates from the association I am President of: “Globus et Locus”, which focuses on the concept of “glocal” (global+local) and “glocalization”, President Bassetti, in your book “Sve- which is mainly about the new power gliamoci Italici! Manifesto per un futu- of technology of eliminating the idea of 8 | WE THE ITALIANS www.wetheitalians.com WE THE ITALIANS | 9 www.wetheitalians.com