We the Italians April 18, 2016 - 78 | Page 13

tH # 78 APRIL 18 , 2016 Giacomo Balla, Velocità astratta + rumore (Abstract Speed + Sound), 1913–14. Oil on unvarnished millboard in artist's painted frame, 54.5 × 76.5 cm. Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice © 2014 Artists Rights Society (ARS) ment, which kept yet a Eu- vited the artist to join the movement. However, Moropean vocation. digliani’s response was 2• Modigliani’s refusal. negative, and reported The painter Amedeo Mo- as such by Severini: “He digliani was actually asked was not interested in such to join the group. Gino Se- manifestations […]. He diverini, Italian painter living scouraged even me to get in Paris at that time, had to involved.” Operating duchoose whether or not to ring that period of “-isms,” adhere to Futurism’s ide- Modigliani did not want to als and practices. So he be categorized within any asked Modigliani for an of those predominant laadvice. It was at that point bels. that Severini himself in- 3• Eat fresh and futurist. Visual arts were not the only field explored by Futurism. Mentality and taste had to be changed under every aspect, even meals! That is what pushed Marinetti to publish the Manifesto of Futurist Cooking (1930) in Turin. As long as people “think, dream and act according to what they eat and drink”, cooking and eating needed to be part of the whole aesthe- WE THE ITALIANS | 13 www.wetheitalians.com