We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine September 2017 | Page 35

Global IHAA list. You must be an MA3 member to rank on the MA3 list, you do not need to be a member to Rank on the IHAA list, however, there is a $25 fee for non members (MA3 members Rank for free on both lists).

The third way to compete is participating in the above mentioned IHAA Postal Matches that are open to anyone regardless of club or National affiliation and are free to all.

The next Postal Matches due at the end of June and is a 9 run Postal. The Korean 1-2-3, and three runs at the Texas Triple.

All of the standard Ranking courses and rules can be found on the MA3 site www.mountedarchery.org all of the IHAA Ranking and Postal Match rules and courses can be found on the IHAA site www.horsebackarchery.info

If there are any questions on the rules or the courses don't hesitate to ask.

Greg Ogburn


MA3 & IHAA Ranking Officer

[email protected]


For more information about Mounted

Archery Association of the Americas

(MA3) visit their website:


Lauren has been teaching and training for over 40 years and is the author of two books that are pure magic for horsemanship – “Curbside Service” and “Balky, Balky, I Ain’t Goin’”. Find out how to be strategic in your best next steps to Exceptional Horsemanship for Mounted Archery by grabbing her “Wouldn’t It Be Great If ____?” Quiz to check your perspective and propel your horsemanship on her exceptionalhorsemanship.com site.


Serena Lynn, president of the South Texas Archery Riders, an affiliate of Mounted Archery Association of the Americas.

Nina Galicheva Photography

If you’ve seen the recent Bridgestone Tire commercials with the Olympic archery shooters – there isn’t even a hint of leaning. I’ve included this for your consideration.

Now, THINK about sitting on your horse – preferably bareback. But, if you must use a saddle at least drop your stirrups. After all we’re just in your mind here.

1) What CAN you do differently to challenge where you currently are in your position?

Please keep in mind that these are discovery experiments. Don’t get stuck on how you think you were taught or how you’ve “always done it”. Our job is to get you better from here. And what got you here isn’t going to get you to the next level. You need to up your skills, preparation and MINDSET.

Try #1 > something DIFFERENT > get an unexpected reality > get more curious.

Try #2 > something DIFFERENT > get a NEW unexpected reality > get more curious.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

These might be significantly different things, or it could be as small as a tad less leaning into your bow or cocking your head just bit down the arrow.

Now, go get on your horse and apply what you challenged yourself with while mounted. Don’t get all chompie to shoot and let yourself get off track. Ha! Little mounted archery joke there, particularly if you’re pushing your horse off with that weight imbalance and a heavy leg pushing into his side while your heel kind of digs in as you attempt to keep yourself upright.

Have you come this far to only come this far? I think NOT!

There is nothing to lose. You’re experimenting. You’re on an adventure. Lets go for Exceptional!

Lauren has been teaching and training for over 40 years and is the author of two books that are pure magic for horsemanship – “Curbside Service” and “Balky, Balky, I Ain’t Goin’”. Find out how to be strategic in your best next steps to Exceptional Horsemanship for Mounted Archery by grabbing her “Wouldn’t It Be Great If ____?” Quiz to check your perspective and propel your horsemanship on her exceptionalhorsemanship.com site.