We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine May 2019 | Page 38

How do I say it?

How can this be?

Why do I love


Is it the friends and

Fellowship and fun, of course

Or the moments that I am

One with my horse?

The camping, competing

Laughing and tears

The hours on trails

Overcoming our fears.

Perhaps it’s the challenge

For us as a team

To cover the distance

And come through so clean.

Or maybe it’s the weather

That nature delivers

To test our commitment

From which others have shivers.

The mud and the muck

The rain and the sleet

The snow and the wind

The humidity and heat.

The forests of shade

The high mountain land

The rivers to cross

The deserts of sand.

The rocks and the pebbles

The bogs and the grit

The tree limbs and branches

We duck for a bit.

The cool of the evening

The dark shade of night

The heat of the day

Under the sun so bright.

What is it that draws us

To travel so far

For a chance to ride

Under a morning star?

To see private places

And public ones, too,

The parks and the ranches

Which to us are so new?

What drives us away from

The current horse fashion

To forever and ever

Remain true to our passion?

It is to be blessed

To enjoy the divine

To be one with the earth

And to get lost in time.


Our oldest author in the series, Bev Roberts, chose to explain why she loves the sport of competitive trail riding in NATRC in a poem. With more than 30 years of competitive experience, she will be one of the first to say that she is always learning from other riders, management, judges, volunteers and, of course, the horses.

Early morning on the trail at the Bell Cow Rendezvous CTR on a sunny November day in Oklahoma

NATRC welcomes riders of any equine breed, including grade, and

from any discipline


Bev Roberts

38 / Sport and Trail Magazine


Photo Credit: Brandy Steele of Optical Harmonics