We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine May 2019 | Page 12

The newly renovated guesthouse invites riders and nature lovers to enjoy great rides, small trails, overnight stays and short breaks.

Not only do the coldblooded fans get their money's worth. To give the ranch holiday the necessary luxury, the Tigerhill Ranch also offers a sauna, whirlpool and a sunbathing lawn.

Our trail rides last between 3-6 hours and take place on our Noriker Tigerschecken horses, which we buy as young horses or "problem horses" and train to riding horses. We have only stallions and geldings here on the ranch. We only train and offer trail rides, we do not breed horses.

Our boys are characterized by surefootedness, reliability, sensitivity, road safety and many other positive qualities. They also have a very quick step, although you would not expect it from coldblood horses.