We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine May 2017 | Page 47

the shade with his rider waiting his turn to compete. It is equally exciting to watch the rider that can’t get their horse to cross the bridge, not only cross the bridge, but will get up on the high side of a teeter totter with confidence. When the Wrangler rider that couldn’t get their pony close to the flag and hold the reins with 1 hand gets to where they can ride up without problems and carry the flag and ride with 1 hand successfully, everyone will cheer!

This time of year the various affiliates, member, and the American Horsemen Challenge Association Facebook pages are filled with pictures and videos of people competing, in clinics and practicing at home. You can find out where the closest affiliate to you is on the national website as well as find the most current rule book and information on how to talk with someone to get your questions answered. If you want to start your own affiliate, there will be several people willing to guide and help you along the way, myself included.

Meg Wills-O'Daniel

AHCA Charter Member

Horsemen of Arkansas AHCA Affiliate Organizer

For more information visit the AHCA national website: : americanhorsemenchallenge.com

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