We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine March 2019 | Page 47

To get involved, please contact the New Mexico Center for Therapeutic Riding, at 505-471-2000, or go to www.nmctr.org.

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The Self-Mastery Program

The Self-Mastery Program provides an equine-assisted learning program for at-risk youth experiencing PTSD, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts or teen pregnancy. The NMCTR instructor and a certified youth counselor developed a curriculum of un-mounted activities with horses, to help them practice emotional self-regulation, energy management and physical awareness. This program is funded by the Santa Fe Children and Youth Commission. The Self-Mastery Program was recently developed and hopes to partner with community agencies such as The Sky Project – Suicide Prevention Program, Santa Fe Youth shelters, Santa Fe Juvenile Probation, and Foster Care agencies.

The High School Intern Program

The High School Intern Program accepts students from The Masters Program and Santa Fe Prep, who offer services in the School Outreach Project, horse care, fundraising, barn maintenance and horse exercising and training. Each teen is given class credits based on their attendance and participation.

The benefits of therapeutic riding are becoming widely recognized. Teachers, parents and medical professionals find that it enhances physical development, emotional and social growth, cognitive stimulation and life skills. Physically, it enhances fine and gross motor skills, improves balance and muscle strength. Emotionally, it increases self-discipline, trust and patience, and provides opportunities to overcome fear. Cognitively, it promotes problem-solving skills, strengthens sequencing tasks ability; and increases verbal and non-verbal communication.

How can you help?

Volunteers are always welcome to help instructors work with participants and to care for our horses. Donations of funds, goods and services keep our program going and expanding. Sponsor a horse to fund the expenses of our heroes and allow for the provision of quality care.

Image by Eric J. Keller/Soulcatcher Studio

Image by Samantha Waidler