We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine June 2018 | Page 14




14 / Sport and Trail Magazine


hen you take the time to think about what you

value in your riding life, that exercise will light

your way as you make decisions going forward ...

and as you get back up from times of difficulty.

For example, in all I do I value cultivating relationships that support me ... friends, mentors, show helpers, etc. I know I will have success ... and ... I know I will fall as I reach for more. I value people around me who support me, no matter what. I also love returning the favor. This is huge to me. Nothing is perfect, but when I make choices, I am keenly aware of valuing my relationships.


Barbra Schulte is a Professional Cutting Horse Trainer, Personal Performance Coach, Author, Clinician, and Equine Consultant.

relationships that support me ... friends, mentors, show helpers, etc. I know I will have success ... and ... I know I will fall as I reach for more. I value people around me who support me, no matter what. I also love returning the favor. This is huge to me. Nothing is perfect, but when I make choices, I am keenly aware of valuing my relationships.

I also value trusting my journey ... no matter what happens, I trust I am growing stronger, and wiser (hopefully (-:) and more skilled through it all ... in ways I may not understand until later. When things fall apart at the show, or a horse is sidelined, or a going for a goal is delayed, I cherish my value of trust. This comforts me and gives me courage when things are difficult.




