We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine June 2017 | Page 59

Visit the Von Holten

Ranch website at www.vonholtenranch.com

When stalling your horse away from home, it is a good idea to travel with your own water and feed buckets to prevent possible contamination. If you desire extra bedding, check with your host regarding availability or if you need to pack your own.

David Von Holten and KTM in front of the ranch's boarding stalls

Prize Table vs Assigned Prizes

If you have assigned prizes, you should announce the competition results from lowest to highest. If you have a prize table, you need to announce the competition results from highest to lowest. If you have several competitions in one weekend, make sure and rotate the division you announce first to let different levels of riders get to select from the prize table first. There are perks to each way. Sometimes competitors that place higher up will actually leave the better prizes and prefer something less expensive.

Show Some Enthusiasm!

In all honesty, people are probably going to be happy with whatever the prize is because it acknowledges they have achieved a goal. The more energy you can put into the awards presentation, the more excited the recipient will be. You would be floored with how many times I have to remind someone to pick up their prize after they received their ribbon. The prize is just icing on the cake!

I place more thought into our prizes than money. There are deals, specials, bulk orders, and close outs waiting on you to make them a deal! Get creative and have fun!