We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine June 2017 | Page 55



Trail riding is one of the most popular ways people spend time with their horses.

Over the course of the weekend, I coached riders as they experienced the challenge of the Parelli Games: 5 Games in 4 minutes, which are a lot like the ETS trail challenges, only timed! We had many spectators commenting that all the challenges were a great way to train horses and practice good horsemanship skills -while having lots of fun!

Pat and Linda Parelli have always encouraged people to study with the masters of their specific discipline. At Festival Magnifico, the Parelli's were often in the crowd observing the other Master Horsemen’s demonstrations, and in the arena, they supported participants. The nine Natural horsemen present that weekend share one goal: to transform the way the horse world builds relationships with horses, to encourage unity between horses and riders.

Festival Magnifico

A Tribute to Tom Dorrance held May 5-7, 2017 in Hamilton, TX

Master Horsemen's Round Table: A great opportunity to ask questions of these Master Horsemen! At the Festival Magnifico at the Circle T in Hamilton, TX.

Photo by Christi Rains