We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine June 2017 | Page 49

Greg Ogburn


MA3 & IHAA Ranking Officer

Global IHAA list. You must be an MA3 member to rank on the MA3 list, you do not need to be a member to Rank on the IHAA list, however, there is a $25 fee for non members (MA3 members Rank for free on both lists).

The third way to compete is participating in the above mentioned IHAA Postal Matches that are open to anyone regardless of club or National affiliation and are free to all.

The next Postal Matches due at the end of June and is a 9 run Postal. The Korean 1-2-3, and three runs at the Texas Triple.

All of the standard Ranking courses and rules can be found on the MA3 site www.mountedarchery.org all of the IHAA Ranking and Postal Match rules and courses can be found on the IHAA site www.horsebackarchery.info

If there are any questions on the rules or the courses don't hesitate to ask.

Greg Ogburn


MA3 & IHAA Ranking Officer

[email protected]


For more information about Mounted

Archery Association of the Americas

(MA3) visit their website:


IHAA rules for Ranking are the same except that MA3 still requires the Qubac for Horse Archer levels thus the reason for two list (the MA3 list is slightly harder than the IHAA).

As the Ranking Officer for both the IHAA list and MA3 if I get an MA3 Ranking application it almost always meets the requirements for IHAA and I add the applicant to both the MA3 list and the

Lukas Novotny competing in Seoul, South Korea. Lukas is a world renown bowyer (Saluki Bow Company) and champion horse archer.
