We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine July 2016 | Page 13

Don’t clean out yer ears, you heard right. It’s a rescue that’s been needed for a long time too. And I’m wound out about it, and I’m tellin’ you right now it’s not just for horses, it’s for people too.

"It’s called Welcome to the Trail"

It was designed to rescue the lives of horses and their riders who missed the most important ingredient in their life to be successful as riding partners; riding out on the trail.

My intent is to rescue every poor, underprivileged horse and get it out there. That’s part one. Part two is to deliver the same message to every rider who's missed the trail riding boat in their riding experience. Getting them out riding on the trail—riding where there are no walls or fences—is my mission statement. I want to help horses and riders who were either too afraid, never had the aspirations, or just plain didn’t know how to make it happen. I’m whistlin’ with the cook wading through the hungry hounds on this one.

Rein Photography