We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine January 2017 | Page 44

44 / Sport and Trail Magazine

RVR Horse Rescue

River View, Florida

By Shirley Alarie

Photography Courtesy RVR

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Shawn Jayroe’s passion for horses and desire to help the underdog were cemented during the rodeo days of her childhood in Texas. After their pole bending competition, she and her beloved horse, Ringsin, entertained the audience with their trick show during the intermission. But it was there that she first witnessed the darker side of horsemanship and she resolved to help the defenseless animals.

Into her adulthood, even among roles as both full-time single parent and full-time hairdresser and business owner, Shawn dedicated time to helping horses in need. She evolved into a true “Horse Angel” by seeking out and rescuing abused and neglected horses, nursing them back to health, then finding them suitable adoptive homes. All at her own expense.

Armed with the determination of a hundred soldiers, Shawn purchased a dilapidated 40-acre ranch in Riverview, Florida, that has since blossomed into the healing haven, known as RVR Horse Rescue. Although surrounding housing developments threaten to encroach the borders, the increasing bustle and construction congestion quickly fades away for the remaining few miles leading to the ranch. The final stretch ends in rutted dirt at the gated entrance.

Majestic southern live oak trees drip with Spanish moss and provide a light reprieve from the relentless Florida sun. A handcrafted RVR sign adorns the fence and another discourages well-intended visitors bearing treats: