We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine February 2017 | Page 14

Professional Cutting Horse Trainer, Personal Performance Coach, Author, Clinician, and Equine Consultant. In 2012 Barbra was inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame

3. To go for my dreams. Of course, like many things I already know this. But when I get the dream right, and the luster of the dream is exciting ... there is true magic. Trust.

Regarding others, I learned:

1. To make investing in family and friend relationships a priority. Those connections will always be no matter what else happens. When I expect little but give a lot, I feel the most connected.

2. To forgive when something hurtful is said about a friend or family member I cherish. The person speaking ill will is hurting, too. (Hard one!)

3. To understand the power and fun of building a team by clarifying the importance of each person's role and expressing appreciation for what each brings to the whole. This lightens everyone's load and brings excitement to working relationships.

These are just a few of my gems from 2016. What you are taking with you from 2016 into 2017?

Happy 2017!

14 / Sport and Trail Magazine

what i'm taking with me

By Barbra Schulte

Our lives are journeys full of adventures to have and lessons to learn on and off of a horse. Sometimes the lessons are fun to learn. Other times they come with a little bite in the backside. Here are ten ideas I learned in 2016 that I will take with me into 2017.

Regarding our beloved horses, I learned:

1. Less is more. When they do something well, back off quickly and give them a nice break instead of asking for more. I've always known this, but I saw it even more clearly when I observed Nick Dowers teaching.

2. Horses, like people are individual when it comes to what they don't like and what they do like. Again, this is not rocket science, but it was even more clear to me this past year. Figure out what your horse loves and give it to him. He will jump over the moon for you.

3. When I am more consistently mindful of how lucky I am to be around horses, I have an increased quality of life. This might include just seeing them from a distance. Now I feel my appreciation of them many times a day.

4. For you cutters ... those darn cattle!!! I hate it when that one cow that I picked acts totally nuts in a big competition and ruins a run! That bummer feeling never goes away. (-: Luckily it doesn't happen that much.

Regarding myself, I learned:

1. To really trust my intuition. That small voice inside really does know the way even when I can't see it. This has been very freeing.

2. That change really is a big part of life ... and don't resist it. Love, relationships and memories will never be lost. Moving forward into a new chapter has it's own special magic in store. Trust. (There's that word again.)

3. To go for my dreams. Of course, like many things I already know this. But when I get the dream right, and the luster of the dream is exciting ... there is true magic. Trust.

Regarding others, I learned:

1. To make investing in family and friend relationships a priority. Those connections will always be no matter what else happens. When I expect little but give a lot, I feel the most connected.

2. To forgive when something hurtful is said about a friend or family member I cherish. The person speaking ill will is hurting, too. (Hard one!)

3. To understand the power and fun of building a team by clarifying the importance of each person's role and expressing appreciation for what each brings to the whole. This lightens everyone's load and brings excitement to working relationships.

These are just a few of my gems from 2016. What you are taking with you from 2016 into 2017?

Happy 2017!

True confidence is also knowing that whatever choices I make, that I know I am doing the best I can. It’s knowing that every one of my decisions is never right or wrong. It’s just a choice of a direction.

It’s taken me a while to arrive at this peace and the faith in my personal brand of journey … and to get back to that peace and faith promptly when I feel off course … but I’m getting better. I’ll be practicing forever.

That’s the nature of our horse experiences. We never totally arrive. We are all just on a very personal journey. The true confidence to travel that journey with ease and energy comes from within … not from the outside.

So, my friend … whatever blessings you have … celebrate them. Be grateful. Whatever challenges you have, embrace them. Your journey is unique and meant just for you. Seek the gifts and the lessons. Return to true confidence.

Our horses are our great comforters, mentors and partners in our great personal adventure.

Happy trails!

loosen his feet, and then ask him again to back up … or … you could use the side of your foot to tap his shoulder as you apply rein pressure. The energy of tapping on his shoulder creates movement (energy) in his feet.

Of course, as soon as he moves his feet backward in either scenario, release the stimuli of the reins or your feet to reinforce his behavior.

The rule of thumb is, if you have a challenge with your horse and feel stuck, ask him to move somewhere … anywhere … and it doesn’t have to be perfect. Create forward motion/energy. Then you can shape that energy into something more specific. Movement is a wonderful, simple next step for most training situations.

Just like moving forward in your life is always a way to let go of anything that holds you back, moving forward with your horse is the same. You look to what you want to create next. You create energy and focus on the next baby step of progress … the tiniest move in a positive direction.

into 2017