WE-BE MAGAZINE Summer 2013 | Page 28

WHAT IS NORMAL? Being ‘different’ has so many assumptions and judgments attached to it. I don’t understand how there could be a definition for ‘normal’ because each and every one of us is different in so many wonderful ways. We all look different, act and re-act differently to situations; have different opinions about things because it’s our birthright to be able to make choices based upon our feelings, likes and dislikes. Life changes a person, day by day—that’s called evolution and nothing can stop evolution. If life changes people day by day, how could there be a ‘normal’ then? Let’s look at the dictionary’s definition of ‘normal’. It states online, that the meaning of ‘normal’ is: Conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal (from the standard); regular; natural. (2) Serving to establish a standard. Well now, since we know there can’t possibly be a real ‘normal’ and standards and norms are changing all the time; then it must be true that cultures and societies, who operate from this above definition, must be in a constant state of trying to seek to establish a standard; never arriving at what will ever be the one ‘NATURAL’ normal. Why then do we as a society, alienate another simply because they don’t fit what a group says is normal… there is nothing ‘NATURAL’ about that. People make different choices, due to their different circumstances. Most people have different opinions about some things; these differences are generally based on one’s past experiences, and their prior knowledge.