WE-BE MAGAZINE Summer 2013 | Page 25

SPEED CONTROL Not one moment of silence went by with our fun-filled interview with Speed Control. They have got to be the most unique bunch of funny, joyful, talented young men to join up in a band. For most bands, it is a struggle to appeal to such a wide audience as they do, but they are an exception. They can entertain in schools equally as well as in theatres nationwide, with their natural gift of performing. These guys are so full of creativity and ideas. Since they have a mom, who is their Manager, they came up with the name ‘Momager’; this fit our situation so well, we adopted the term too. We look forward to seeing them again, hopefully in the near future. G: = Graeme J: = Jody I: = Ian SC: = Speed Control (group answer) We-Be: To start off, what are each of your names? G: We’re Graeme Peters, Jody Peters, and Ian March We-Be: We understand two of you are brothers- are you all family? G: Jody and I are, Ian isn’t though We-Be: Where do you all come from? G: My brother and