WE-BE MAGAZINE May 2013 | Page 33

Q— WE-BE: If someone is leaving or has left an abusive relationship, and their friends are not supporting them, should they still follow through? A— Aime: The bottom line is sad but true. If your friends don’t support you in doing what is best for you-- they are not your real friends. Q— WE-BE: Do you have any advice for victims of bullying and/or date violence? A— Aime: If you are in a situation involving bullying or dating violence, know that you are not alone. Other people are ready, willing, and want to help you. Love shouldn’t hurt. If you need to talk to someone, either talk to a trusted adult or go onto the Freedom and Empowerment Teen Campaign website and message us. We will get back to you a.s.a.p. with advice! If any of these situations seem familiar to you, or if you are witnessing a friend going through this, talk with them and let them know that you are there for them. Maybe make the suggestion that they should read up on these signs and become aware of what they might be getting themselves into, by staying in an abusive relationship. If you are being bullied, seek help right away. There are people who can make it stop; give them a chance to help you. If you are witnessing someone being bullied, tell the bullies that you are not going to stand by and watch this happen without saying something to those who can do something about it. Get others to take a stand with you; numbers speak volumes to the one person or the a small few who bully. If it’s unsafe to speak up because the bullies may turn on you, but you want to help, then report the incident anonymously to the people who will put a stop to this. When reporting, remember to name (if possible) the people who were involved, the time and date it happened and what you saw. Don’t let bullies define how you feel about yourself or your world! Links: www.facebook.com/teencampaign http://www.amazon.com/1000-Tips-TeenagersEmpower-Teens/dp/1480210536/ref=sr_1_1? ie=UTF8&qid=1361854870&sr=81&keywords=1000+tips+for+teens Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868