WE-BE MAGAZINE May 2013 | Page 32

A— Aime: 1 in 3 girls/women and 1 in 6 boys/ men will experience violence/violation in their lifetime, in Canada. Q— WE-BE: Are there any warning signs that could indicate whether or not someone is potentially a victim of date violence? A— Aime: Yes, some warning signs are: Your partner: -Is overly and excessively jealous. -Shows explosive anger towards you. -Is too possessive. -Puts you down in front of others. Keep these in the back of your mind. These are only warning signs. However, if they keep happening, it is important to either talk to him/her or leave the relationship because these could lead to worse situations over time. Q— WE-BE: What are all the different kind of violence? A— Aime: - Sexual violence - Physical violence - Isolation (If your partner is keeping you from your friends, saying you cannot go see them). - Economic (If your boyfriend/girlfriend is controlling your money/ he or she is in control what you do or do not spend). - Mental or emotional controlling (When your partner is repetitively telling you what you can or can’t do-- like what you can or can’t eat, what you can or can’t wear, where you can or can’t go, or with whom). - Verbal (If he/she puts you down by name calling using words such as “You’re not good enough.” “You’re stupid.”) Q— WE-BE: When should you step in on a situation of someone being bullied? A— Aime: Imagine it is your best friend being picked on; would you stick up for them? If the answer is yes, then get an adult (teacher, security guard etc.) to help in the situation, or if you feel comfortable, step in yourself.