WE-BE MAGAZINE May 2013 | Page 31

WE-BE Chief Editors Megan Praat and Olivia Jensen interview Aime Hutton, Canada’s Ambassador for the Freedom & Empowerment Teen Campaign Bullying and date violence are two topics that need to be addressed and talked about so young people can learn how to recognize the warning signs and stop it from happening to them. We had the honor and opportunity to interview author/activist-- Aime Hutton, who is the Canadian Ambassador for the Freedom and Empowerment Teen Campaign. Aime herself, was a victim of both bullying and date violence. Going through these experiences, has given her the insight to co-collaboratively write, with other amazing authors, what is now a bestselling book “1000 tips for teens”, which can be found on Amazon. It’s clear listening to Aime talk about her past, that she has turned the negative aspects of what happened to her into the positives; it is equally clear she loves what she does to help others understand more about these two life threatening subjects. Here are some of the questions and answers we would like to share from our interview with Aime: Q— WE-BE: What would you want to say to the readers of this magazine? A— Aime: If I could wrap up all I want to say, it would be to respect and be kind to each other; believe in yourself; to just keep putting one foot in front of the other; to let others help you; know that you are not alone, that you are beautiful, creative and can do anything you choose; I encourage you to reach out to a trusted adult, to keep talking until someone listens and helps; continue to do things that make you happy, be it sports, hobbies, community groups/volunteering. Remember you are the only you in the world, so be the best you can be! Q— WE-BE: Would you be willing to share your story with us? A— Aime: I was severely teased and bullied for six years from grades 3 – 8. I was namecalled everything one could imagine. One day, in grade seven, I was flung around by my bra strap in the girls’ change room by a grade eight girl. Then I went flying into the change room lockers when she let go. I was teased and made fun of because my likes were different than others’. I was in Girl Guides/Pathfinders and I also danced ballet. In university, I was stalked for the second, third and fourth year of my schooling, by a date stalker. Q—WE-BE: Are there statistics you know of, associated with bullying and date violence?