WE-BE MAGAZINE May 2013 | Page 15

Beauty Buzz… Spring & Summer Nifty Nails: Painted nails are the cherry on top of any look; it just makes everything look polished. A light pastel pink or plum color, that matches the “in” colors for lips, is all the rage for this spring and summer. Putting that final nail polish touch to your wave, says HELLO with color every time! How To Quickly Clean Your Make-Up Brushes Step 1: Pour a small amount of alcohol into a container. The alcohol should not go past the top of the bristles of the brush. Step 2: Hold the brush in the alcohol for a couple of seconds and make sure it is completely saturated. Step 3: Use back and forth swiping motions, as well as swirling motions, to break up the product that’s within the brush. Change the alcohol if it gets too dirty, and continue. Step 4: Using back and forth swiping motions, wipe off onto a tissue or paper towel, any excess alcohol and/or left over make-up residue off the bristles of your make-up brush. Your brush will be dry within seconds or minutes, depending on the size or density of the brush. This technique cleans your brushes fast and effectively. It is not recommended to stop washing your brushes all together with soap and water and only spot clean them with alcohol, as alcohol will not condition your brushes like washing with a mild baby soap. Alcohol is a fast and effective way to clean them on the go. Whether cleaning your brushes with soap or alcohol, the staining that make-up leaves on your brushes will not usually come out. It is always good practice to protect your skin from the bacteria that can build up on your face brushes, by cleaning them often. By Olivia Jensen