WE-BE MAGAZINE Fall 2013 | Page 40

Wake-Up Make-Up Call Do you know what’s in your make-up, in your shampoo, in your perfume or deodorant or after-shave? Are you aware that what goes ON your skin and scalp can be as dangerous as what goes IN your body? I did a little research to find out the truth about what contaminants the manufacturers are exposing us to. The results may be shocking. Maybe it's better to think twice before adding a little color to your pucker. The FDA has done studies in the past regarding lead in our lip products. In 2009 they found lead in every lipstick they sampled. “Lead is a proven neurotoxin that can cause learning, language and behavioral problems.” said Sean Palfrey, M.D., a professor of pediatrics and public health. (see http://www.safecosmetics.org/article.php?id=223%5D ) Beyond lead, here are some of the most common and worst chemicals or toxins in our beauty and personal care products: Mercury: (often listed as thimerosal on ingredient labels), found in some eye drops, ointment and deodorants; Lead Acetate: found in some hair dyes and cleansers; Formaldehyde: and toluene, found in nail products; Petrochemicals: found in some hair relaxers, shampoos, mascara, perfume, foundation, lipstick and lip balm; coal tar, found in dandruff shampoos, anti-itch creams and hair dyes Placenta: found in some hair relaxers, moisturizers and toners; Phthalates: found in some nail polish, fragrances and hair spray. FD&C Color Pigments: most are made from coal tar and studies show that almost all of them are carcinogenic (cancer causing). These are found in products such as foundation or eye shadow. Many of these pigments cause skin sensitivity and irritation, or even oxygen depletion in the blood.