WE-BE MAGAZINE Fall 2013 | Page 23

Soulshaping Interview By Megan Praat & Olivia Jensen Soulshaping: The search to find your meaning. Truth-Aches: Indications that you aren’t on your true path. How were you introduced to the concept of soul shaping? I came about it experientially. I was trying to find a word that described how my journey unfolded. I would have glimpses or visions of possibilities of who I could become. The more I aligned myself with that purpose, the more I felt as though I expanded my soul container...growing my soul in the direction of its potential. I started to try out different activities and hobbies to see what felt right to me. I searched through myself and adventured by 'trying things on for size to see if they fit’. For example, you may have a sense that you are born to be writer, but that may not be true...so try it out! Perhaps it is something you love, and you get happiness from it, but maybe you get an even greater happiness from something else. If it isn’t something you like, then at least you have gained an experience, which expands who you are. We are all born with gifts and talents and we have to try things on, in order to discover what those gifts truly are. What do you think is the most important advice you can offer to all the teens of the world? 1. Do not listen to anyone else’s opinion of who you are, unless of course, it is positive and resonates with you. Remember that you are the only one who knows who you are; that you are the only one who can say what you are and all you will become. People can give you practical advice, but not about who you are, or what you should do with your life. Live your life and gather experience. Listen to yourself and honor your intuition. 2. Develop a practice now of creating space that is independent of anything outside of you, independent of the internet, independent of distractions, independent of pop-culture. Get acquainted with and develop a relationship with your inner voice and consciousness. Make the relationship with your 'self' a priority, or else you'll never discover what you truly feel or want. 3. Think of where we are at in our culture. Understand that all the feelings our emotional self gives us are a big part of true spirituality. Our emotions and feelings are all clues and information about what path we are to live. There is no shame in mistakes, in needing therapy to work through emotions. The more you work through emotional clusters the closer you can get to the path you want to walk on. Don’t let emotional issues clutter up your life. Make it a priority to work through them now, so later on you won't have a huge build up of emotions.