We are Beautiful Magazine WRBM Jan Feb 2018 Issue | Page 45

s l r a e P r u o Y r #Wea https://www.facebook.com/wearyourpearlsday/ My iReport CNN Story: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1275918 Website: www.bookertagency.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DeAnna-Speaks-1456483311253679/ https://www.facebook.com/TheBookertAgency?ref=br_rs Twitter - https://twitter.com/dbookertsc LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/profile/ view?id=71496653&trk=spm_pic DeAnna Bookert, a native of Columbia, South Carolina and is the proud mother of two children. After a gratifying 10-year career in cor- porate America, DeAnna decided to leave it all behind to avail herself completely to meeting the needs of her family and community. DeAnna went on to earn a Master’s degree in Entrepreneurship from Colorado Technical University. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_2?ie=UTF8&text=DeAnna+Bookert&search- alias=books&field-author=DeAnna+Bookert&sort=relevancerank WE ARE BEAUTIFUL MAGAZI NE - 45 - JANUARY/ F EB RUARY 2 0 1 8