WCIT MONITOR Issue 69 November 2016 | Page 9

THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGISTS The Master spoke of how much had been achieved by the Company in the past 30 years and how 2017 would see the 25th Anniversary of the Company being granted Livery status. Listing some of the events of 25 years ago it was clear how far we have come in a short space of time. Reflecting on the achievements of our founding members he said, “Many of us younger members of the Company will empathise with Isaac Newton’s comment from 1676: If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Right: The Master Chris Histed welcoming Past Master Ken Olisa OBE, Lord Lieutenant of Greater London, PAUL DAVID JAGGER @cityandlivery Miniature missives drawn from the twitter account of WCIT Court Liveryman Paul Jagger who tweets under the sobriquet @CityandLivery employing the hashtags #CityFact and #LiveryFact Below left: The Beadle processing the Wardens through St Bartholomewthe-Great Church, where our Installation Service took place. This flock of tweets has a sheepish theme, following on from the annual Sheep Drive hosted by the Woolmen’s Company in late September: Below: Liveryman James Kelliher with guest Ms Goff. #LiveryFact The Woolmen’s Company provide a wool stuffed cushion for the Lord Mayor to kneel on when receiving the blessing from the Dean of St Paul’s during the Lord Mayor’s Show. #CityFact The annual Sheep Drive has its own online booking system at www.sheepdrive.london - be quick, it gets booked up months in advance. Below: Our linked Cadet units with Past Master Ken Olisa OBE, Lord Lieutenant of Greater London #LiveryFact The Woolmen’s Company are one of several Livery Companies to have trade links with Australia and New Zealand.Our Beadle, Alan O’Connor, leading the procession to the Church #CityFact The City of London was home to the great beam from which wool was weighed in standard units known as a ‘staple’ before export to the continent. #LiveryFact The Woolmen’s Company were once so wealthy they part funded Installation the colonisation of Virginia and the Service at St plantation of Ulster. Bartholomew the Great Find out more at The Woolmen’s Company website: www.woolmen.com Page 9