WCIT MONITOR Issue 68 May 2016 | Page 7


11th Infantry Brigade Transition Workshop

WCIT Employment Panel

M y first experience of an Employment Panel Transition Workshop was almost a non-starter . I was at the gatehouse in Aldershot but my passport was at home 80 miles away which was not much help . I was attempting to gain access to Aldershot as one of a team of volunteer presenters and coaches , however , with no photo identification I thought I may be spending the day with the guards . Fortunately , the gatehouse staff dealt with my dilemma efficiently and effectively and allowed me to pass . This particular event was a pilot for the 11th Infantry Brigade - a slight variation of the Royal Corps of Signals Transition Workshops .

The event was very well attended by a mixed audience of officers and NCOs . The morning comprised a number of presentations on transition related topics , including writing a CV and how to dress for an interview through to opening a bank account and starting a business . As I sat at the back of the lecture hall listening to the other presenters I noticed how attentive the members of the audience were , with many taking detailed notes . During the afternoon the volunteers provided one-to-one coaching sessions for people at various stages of their transition from military to civilian life .
As a result of the success of the pilot Transition Workshop , we were asked if we would take a stand at the 11th Infantry Brigade Transition Day . These are regular events where 30 to 40 organisations have the opportunity to meet a number of service people planning their transition . This is more of a showcase event as opposed to the specific and ongoing coaching services provided by the Company at our Transition Workshops .
David Barker and Michael Winslow represented the WCIT Employment Panel armed with two ' Talent Unleashed ' pull up banners and enthusiasm in abundance . David delivered a talk in the presentation hall based on his entrepreneurial career path ; this was geared towards service leavers thinking about setting up a business as well as those applying to join existing organisations .
It is excellent to hear the feedback from the users which underlines the significance of continuing to run these workshops throughout the ongoing transitions and as such we will continue to run these sessions . We are planning two Transition Workshops for this year along with one or two Transition Days .
Example feedback :
The Employment Panel are keen to hear from anyone interested in volunteering as presenters or coaches for our Transition Workshops . If you are interested please contact Steve Smith : steve . smith @ astro . co . uk
Contributed by Freeman Steve Smith
PAUL DAVID JAGGER @ cityandlivery
Miniature missives drawn from the twitter account of WCIT Court Liveryman Paul Jagger who tweets under the sobriquet @ CityandLivery employing the hashtags # CityFact and # LiveryFact
This year is the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London or as it should perhaps more accurately be known , the Greatest of several Great Fires that beset the City of London up to 1666 , the Blitz being the greatest since . The following tweets explore some fiery facts about the City :
# CityFact : In terms of impact Boudica ’ s ravaging of London in AD60 was the greatest fire - it left absolutely nothing of the City but charred cinders .
# CityFact : The City of London has never had its own Fire Brigade but it did have a station of the London Salvage Corps until as recently as 1984 .
# CityFact : The only remaining piece of pre-1666 civic plate kept in the Mansion House is known as the ‘ Fire Cup ’ dating from 1662 reworked from an earlier plate of 1580 .
# CityFact : The Worshipful Company of Firefighters have Salamanders in their Coat of Arms , an heraldic beast supposed to survive fire .
If you would like to know more about the Great Fire , the Museum of London have an exhibition entitled ‘ Fire , Fire !’ opening on 23rd July 2016 until 17th April 2017 .
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