WCIT MONITOR Issue 63 Nov 2014 | Page 12

MONITOR CHARITY WCIT Charity Donors See Outcomes Of Their Giving C harity strategic partners, Lifelites and Hammersmith Academy (HA) described and demonstrated the life-changing practical results from our members’ donations at a ‘Thank You’ event in the Summer. The WCIT Hall was filled with donors who had generously given financial support in 2013/2014 through our Continuous Charitable Giving scheme (CCG), Panel activities and personal commitments. Many described as “inspirational” the accounts of difference made to students in Hammersmith Academy and the 9000 terminally ill children and babies in every one of the 49 hospices in the UK. Gary Kynaston, Head of HA, described how students learn creative and digital skills, acquire professional values and realise the chance of career-enhancing university studies through the Academy. Gary highlighted that many students come from underprivileged backgrounds without a culture of educational aspiration and he illustrated one area of achievement, developing media skills, with a video created by sixth form students especially for the WCIT. control a PC with eye movement alone, unleashing their creativity through writing, drawing and music. Attendees had the chance to experience Eyegaze at first hand and saw a very moving video illustrating how technology and caring staff change the lives of children. Please watch this video at: www.youtube.com Jo Connell, Chair of the WCIT Charity, was host for the evening and offered a heartfelt “Thank you” to all donors, those present and those who could not attend, for the support of Lifelites, HA and the other many causes supported by the Charity. Jo explained that the presentations evidenced the Charity’s mission to use our IT skills to improve lives through education, opportunity and accessibility and invited feedback and ideas for future projects and strategic partners. The Charity expects this showcase of the effects of member generosity to become an annual event, showing donors exactly the benefits their gifts deliver. From Left: Jo Connell OBE DL; Gary Kynaston & Simone Enefer-Doy Page 12  In 2013 the Charity received over 200 applications for grants and awarded 35 totalling over £31,000.  All member gifts go 100% to charitable activities without any deductions for overheads If you would like to support this work, please contact Eleanor MacGregor to make a monthly donation of whatever you can afford, or just make a gift at the Make a donation page on the WCIT Website. Please watch this video at: www.youtube.com Simone Enefer-Doy, CEO of Lifelites, spoke passionately about how technology such as the Eyegaze software, supported with WCIT donations, could empower children with no other way to communicate. Eyegaze enables a child to Some WCIT Charity Facts:  We focus on four areas of need:  Enhancing opportunity for young people through more effective education.  Improving quality of life for the disadvantaged and disabled.  Enabling access for all citizens to information, culture and business opportunity.  Helping to re-engage those excluded in society. Past Master Roger Graham OBE taking a turn on Eyegaze