WBFF Central USA Fitness Show Athletes Guide 2015 V.1 | Page 39

What is the greatest obstacle you have faced on your fitness journey? Lydia: It is interesting, Brian builds muscle easily and I am the opposite. Even though I work out hard building muscle is a challenge for sure. Brian: I have had a lifetime of habits to overcome in a short amount of time and had to do it while tired and grumpy all the time. What has it been like training together for this competition? Lydia: Training together has been a challenge from time to time because of our children. Since we both are doing this together we have to be creative with your time. I wake up early to get my workout in. When Brian and I get to workout together it is fun. It is nice having my husband there to help coach me. Brian: When we get to work out together it great pushing each other harder, but there has been a lot of compromise to get everything accomplished. I would shop and start food prep while she worked out and then flip roles when she got done so one of us was there with our kids more often than not. What is your favorite body part to train and favorite exercise? Lydia: I like to train my shoulders and legs because they need the most work...bitter sweet. I live to see results. Brian: Legs with Back Squats Who would you like to thank that has been an integral part of your journey to the stage? Lydia: I thank God for putting a dream in my heart and the strength to see it through. I am also thankful for God giving me a supportive husband who is my biggest cheerleader and who holds me accountable. My coaches with Team Shredd are always there to help and answer my many questions, along with the support of my team members. Brian: Our Team Shredd coaches/trainers Aaron Becker, Ryan and Amy Waters and Sonja Tanner. Also, our fellow Team Shredd competitors. Brian and Lydia 12 Years ago vs Today!