Water, Sewage & Effluent January-February 2018 | Page 21

innovations Thinking around sediment is getting more serious and research needs to move beyond the physical chemistry side to surrounding issues of water systems, such as the impact of sediment on the economy and food production. The successful management of water resources depends on the cooperation from all spheres of government, water users, and stakeholders. The workshop and outcomes are the beginning of a standardised approach to ensure more accurate sediment quality data, facilitating comparisons between sediment projects and ultimately, the development of region-specific guidelines. u Dr Stanley Liphadzi – WRC originate, who the users of water and land use practices are, as well as the impact of sediment on infrastructure (dams, pipes and so on). Dr Bridget Shaddock from Golder Associates Research Laboratories said they are busy with a research project developing a preliminary approach to sediment site evaluation and associated risk. This approach will look at consolidating available sampling methodologies and the roles of various analysis approaches. Contaminated sediment and storm water run-off was identified as the long-term source of pollution in aquatic systems.  F r o m t h e Va a l U n i v e r s i t y o f Technology, Dr Akebe Luther King Abia highlighted the lack of microbiology studies conducted on sediment relating to the pathogenic forms of bacteria. From current evaluations, it was found that people swimming in an environment with these pathogenic organisms bound to sediment, have an increased risk of infection.  The Betsiboka is Madagascar’s main river. While the red sediment being transported provides an attractive and informative example of a river estuary, it is a symptom of an ecological disaster for Madagascar. Humans have felled and cleared the island’s natural cover of tropical forest so extensively that soil erosion has been vastly accelerated. Much of the sediment visible in the river represents an irreplaceable natural asset. Source: www. solarviews.com Dr Eunice Ubomba-Jaswa, WRC. Water Sewage & Effluent January/February 2018 19