Water Resources Division Annual Report FY 2016-2017 | Page 21

Forward Thinking ( continued )

OneWaterSF is a new framework for how the SFPUC does business and a vision for how we can better adapt to future challenges . It is an integrated planning and implementation approach to managing finite resources for long-term resiliency and reliability . This requires a shift from thinking about one project at a time to thinking more holistically about project impacts and potential synergies between our water , wastewater and power operations .
With OneWaterSF , the SFPUC will recognize the potential of all the resources within our system . OneWaterSF allows us to look more holistically at our system for efficiencies , project synergies and opportunities to harness clean energy , and to match the right water to the right use .
In FY 2016-17 , the SFPUC laid out a Vision and Guiding Principles for OneWaterSF and created the OneWaterSF Working Group , which includes staff from throughout the SFPUC . Highlighted below are some key initiatives .
Expanding Recycled Water Impact
This initiative will review potential non-potable , recycled and purified ( potable ) water opportunities in San Francisco . A white paper examines the treatment of wastewater from the Southeast and Oceanside treatment plants along with onsite non-potable water systems in new buildings throughout San Francisco .
Sewer Flushing
Expanding on the Recycled Water Truck Fill Station , this Initiative establishes a six-month pilot program to test the use of non-potable water produced at the Southeast Treatment Plant for flushing sewer lines . Sewer line flushing maintains proper flows and minimizes odors associated with sending wastewater to the treatment plants .