Water Resources Division Annual Report FY 2016-2017 | Page 20

Forward Thinking (continued) RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AT LAKE MERCED Lake Merced is made up of four interconnected lakes and provides a vital link for wildlife, particularly for migrating birds. In an emergency, Lake Merced water can be used for firefighting or sanitation purposes if no other sources of water are available. The SFPUC and the City of Daly City are working together to improve the Vista Grande stormwater system, which drains the northwestern portion of Daly City and an unincorporated portion of San Mateo County – areas originally within the watershed of Lake Merced. Project goals include improving stormwater drainage, minimizing flooding risk and providing a sustainable water source for Lake Merced management. The project is currently undergoing environmental review, which is anticipated to be completed in 2018. PURIFIED WATER PROGRAM The SFPUC is partnering with various experts to explore the feasibility of purified water projects through direct and indirect potable water reuse. With scientific and regulatory advances in this field, and through highly advanced treatment and monitoring, recycled water is being treated to drinking water standards in some parts of the country. As we look to the future, the SFPUC is keen to understand what role purified water can play in our water supply portfolio to better adapt to future water supply needs. In partnership with the Water Research Foundation, the SFPUC is conducting a 9-month research project in our headquarters. We will be taking one third of the effluent currently produced by our constructed wetland treatment system and bringing it to drinking water standards. We will collect data for analysis before the water we produce is recombined for toilet flushing in the building. Regionally, we are working with Silicon Valley Clean Water and the Santa Clara Valley Water District to determine the feasibility of producing up to 15 mgd of purified water. The preliminary feasibility studies for both of these projects are underway. We are also participating in Contra Costa County Water District’s Los Vaqueros Expansion Project to determine whether there may be purified water storage and exchange opportunities that can help secure water supply for our regional customers. 18