Water Resources Division Annual Report FY 2015-2016 | Page 15

FY 2015-16 activities implemented through the SFPUC water conservation program are estimated to have a potential lifetime water savings of 778 million gallons1. FY 2015-16 San Francisco Retail Water Conservation Program Performance and Savings 2,534 WATER-WISE EVALUATIONS Single Family 337 Multi-Family 1,863 Non-Residential 309 Landscape 25 778 Million Gallons TOTAL ESTIMATED LIFETIME WATER SAVINGS Urinals 180 LIFETIME WATER SAVINGS BY CUSTOMER SECTOR Single Family 20% Washers 1,782 Showerheads 5,780 835 NonResidential 59% 579 Rain Barrels 16 Cisterns 107 Graywater Kits 58 Community Garden Grants Outreach Events 31 Garden Field Trips Other 3,640 LANDSCAPE PROGRAMS Water Waste Reports Class Presentations MultiFamily 21% 20,632 DEVICE DISTRIBUTION Aerators 11,212 3,007 Water Conservation Calls REBATES 6,374 &FIXTURE INSTALLATIONS Toilets 3,802 OUTREACH & EDUCATION 7 3 2 Graywater Permit Rebates Seven-Year Summary: Water Conservation Program Activity FY 2009-10 through FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 Fixture Installation (rebates and direct install) Device Distribution Aerators 124,171 Showerheads 44,583 Other* 33,793 Toilets Urinals 39,302 1,433 Clothes Washers 25,347 30,758 Water-Wise Evaluations 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 * Other devices include toilet leak repair flappers and fill valves, garden spray hose nozzles, and restaurant pre-rinse spray hose nozzles. 1 Water conservation savings are estimated using the SFPUC Water Conservation Tracking Model. Savings are estimated lifetime cumulative water savings, up to 30 years. 778 million gallons roughly equals 2,388 acre-feet of water. An acre-foot is the standard metric used by many water agencies to report lifetime water savings. One acre-foot is roughly equivalent to a football field filled with one foot of water. 13