Washington Business Fall 2017 | Legislative Review & Vote Record | Page 46

2017 legislative review of $2.70 per $1,000 of assessed value. The $2.70 rate will stay in place for four years, after which, the state property tax will revert to the current one percent revenue lid. Seniors who qualify for the senior citizen’s exemption program are exempt from the increase in the state property tax. SSB 5977 various revenue changes Eric Lohnes of AWB, Michael Bernard of Microsoft, Michelle DeLappe of Garvey Schubert Barber, Norm Bruns of Garvey Schubert Barber, and William Severson of Severson Law testify before the Senate Law and Justice Committee. SSB 5883 EHB 2163 Passed/AWB Supported Passed/AWB Opposed the state’s two-year operating budget Lawmakers reached agreement on the final operating budget late in the third special legislative session after months of impasse. The 2017-19 proposed compromise budget provides $43.7 billion Near General Fund and $87.3 billion in all funds. For NGF-P, (Near General Fund Plus Opportunity Pathways), this represents a net $5.2 billion increase from 2015-17 spending levels. SSB 5883 leaves an unrestricted ending balance of close to $1 billion at the end of the 2017-19 biennium and meets the four- year balanced budget requirement. The operating expenses of state government and its agencies and programs are funded on a biennial basis by an Omnibus Operating Budget adopted by the Legislature in odd- numbered years. State operating expenses are paid from the state general fund and from various dedicated funds and accounts. The final compromise budget came a long way from the Senate’s original budget (SB 5048) which relied more heavily on the levy swap, and the House’s original budget which relied on an assortment of new and increased taxes. 44 association of washington business remote sales, exemption repeal, and mitigation This bill was part of the final budget agreement and contains several provisions intended to increase revenues. Engrossed House Bill 2163 has four revenue-raising measures: • Internet marketplace facilitators and remote sellers are required to collect and remit sales taxes on their remote sales from out of state or comply with use tax notice and reporting requirements to their buyers and the Department of Revenue. • Sales tax is applied to sales of bottled water. • A use tax will apply to fuels manufactured for own use. • A business and occupation tax economic nexus standard is applied to out-of-state retailers without physical presence in Washington. HB 2242 basic education funding Passed/AWB Supported House Bill 2242 was part of the final budget compromise and is the primary source of funding for the education plan by increasing the state property tax 81 cents to a flat rate Passed/AWB Supported Substitute Senate Bill 5977 was part of the final budget compromise and creates, modifies, or extends 13 tax preferences including a number of policies AWB actively pursued during the course of the session including lowering the business and occupation tax rate on manufacturers from 0.484 percent to 0.2904 percent, (later vetoed by the governor with the support of 23 legislators who signed a letter requesting it), reclassifying the tax classification of martial arts, and extending the motion picture competitiveness program for 10 years. This bill contains: • Modifying the Washington Main Street Program • Lowering the manufacturing B&O tax rate (Vetoed) • B&O tax exemption for agricultural fertilizer and seed • S o l a r s i l i c o n m a n u f a c t u r i n g a n d wholesaling extension • Semiconductor materials manufacturing • Exemptions for the conversion of coal- fired electric plants (Vetoed) • Tax relief for silicon smelters • Invest in Washington Program • Extending the sales and use tax deferral for historical auto museums • Concerning removal of land from current use due to natural disaster • Modifying Washington’s motion picture and film industries tax credit • Concerning the excise taxation of mar- tial arts • Leasehold excise credits and exemptions for colleges and universities.