Wanderlust: Expat Life & Style in Thailand Oct / Nov 2017: The Travel Issue | Page 67

Think about the reasons why whatever you love to do makes your heart skip a beat, or beat a little faster. but to get the precise an- swers on what we need in the present moment, we need to help the Universe reach out. One efficient tech- nique is to connect with the heart. 2 LISTEN TO YOUR HEART AND FIGURE OUT YOUR WHAT What puts a sparkle in your eye? What makes you want to spring out of bed and take action? What produc- es rushes of adrenaline — the good kind — in your body, mind and soul? In other words, what makes your heart sing? Whatever it is that sets your heart beating happily is probably an im- portant part of figuring out what your purpose is. Even if you are not yet able to complete your purpose puzzle, at least now you have one piece of the jigsaw. 3 ASK YOURSELF, WHY? Do your meditation activity and take a deep breath. Then grab your cap- puccino, a piece of paper and a few colored pencils. Write down what your mind and your heart answer to this question: Why do I do what I do? To come up with your answer, think about the reasons why what- ever you love to do makes your heart skip a beat, or beat a little faster. A possible answer could be joy in help- ing other people, or maybe it’s to do with your great interest in science, art or a special subject area that has meaning for you. There’s no right or wrong answer, as long as you are true to yourself. 4 DISCOVER WHERE YOU ARE GOING NEXT By now you should have an idea of what your purpose is (or at least what part of your purpose is) and why you believe it’s important to you. Or, perhaps you have realized that you are not yet on the right path, which is okay, too. Regardless of if you a re on the right track or not, the next step is thinking about where you are go- ing next. To find your “where,” ask your- self this question: What would make me breathe deeper, feel lighter or move in life a little bit happier? This sounds like a simple ques- tion, but it may be tricky when we are skilled in self-manipulation or when we are inexperienced with self-awareness. If I feel out of alignment, there is a very clear warning sign that I usually observe early in the morning. I know something is wrong when I no lon- ger jump out of bed wild and with an adrenaline rush, convinced what is ahead of me that day is going to be awesome. (Tip: It’s a good strategy to identify what your personal alarm bell is, so you know when you might need to recalibrate.) During those times when I need to drag myself out of bed, it’s hard to know where I am going next. So, I ask myself a bolder question, and you can try this, too, if you are find- ing it hard to identify your “where.” Try asking yourself: If I was in my last moments of life, what are the things I absolutely would want to have done? What would give me deep regret of not having dared, not having chosen, not having given? The answer to these bold ques- tions can give you an indication of the natural direction for you to take when you make your next step in life. 5 AVOID COMFORT ZONE ROADBLOCKS When making plans for our person- al progress, it is tempting to de- lay changes by falling back into our comfort zones, which tend to be full of excuses. You might want to place blame on your current country of res- idence, regulations, your family, or your job — our imagination and cre- ativity have a way of being unlimited when it comes to making excuses! The problem is that magic lies outside our comfort zone and so do Health & Wellness the keys to health and wealth. When we live for many years without dar- ing to align ourselves with our pur- pose, we get sick and we are unable to advance our incomes — and we know it. So be careful of the comfort zone roadblocks, as you plot the next moves on your map of life. To live your purpose and leave your legacy, ask yourself the following three questions. The answers to them we hold within, probably not in a definite form, but they are within us indefinitely. 1. What is my purpose? 2. Why do I do what I do? 3. Where am I going next?  When you know what your purpose is, why you are doing what you do in life, and where you are going next, you will have all the information you need to claim your purpose. The only thing left to do, then, is to make that first step and take hold of a purpose which is fully yours and uniquely your own. #FUELYOURBUSINESS™ The Converging Event for Spirituality & Entrepreneurship Talk, Breathing, Meditation Every Third Wednesday of the Month, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. © © Physical and mental recharge © © Clarity and peace of mind © © Stamina and wellbeing Organizers: Amelie Yan-Gouiffes & Emmanuelle Bourgois Location: TBA@Central Bangkok REGISTER Eventbrite: 500 THB At the door: 700 THB C O N TA C T Website: www.pranaworld.net Email: [email protected] Facebook: /pranaworldthailand WWW.WANDERLUSTMAG.COMWANDERLUST 67