Wanderlust: Expat Life & Style in Thailand June / July 2017: The Business Issue | Page 33

There are still times when I feel like a fraud, balancing on the brink of being found out. yourself on new ground and back to feeling like a fraud. We have figures such as Watson, Sandberg and Hanks, who have achieved amazing success- es despite self-doubt, as inspiration for our own lives. But it’s not neces- sarily that simple for the rest of us. It helps to remember, though, that there is always room to push past initial feelings of self-doubt. Actress, writer and director Lena Dunham’s early career days included feelings of impostorism, but the HBO star acknowledged her insecurities and decided to overcome them. In an interview with Glamour Magazine, Dunham says,” There will be nothing if you don’t look out for you. And I can’t wait, on my next project, to go into it with the strength that comes from valuing your own body and your own mental health.” We can add one more thing to Dunham’s list: There is strength from valuing your accom- plishments, too. And perhaps the best news for those feeling self-doubt is that so- called impostors are generally very competent. In fact, you should prob- ably be more worried if you have never experienced some kind of in- security in your inabilities: According to the cognitive bias known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, low-ability in- dividuals mistakenly believe they are far superior than they actually are. Flip that logic on its head, then, and we are left with a reassuring fi- nal thought for Fraud Police fearers: Those who are self-aware enough to worry they are career impostors are probably more talented and capable than they give themselves credit for, regardless of gender. addition to discrimination based on sex alone. The only way we can find out if this may be true is to conduct further studies. THE BRIGHT SIDE Male or female, it seems that the more knowledge you acquire and the higher you climb up the career lad- der, the more likely you are to find WWW.WANDERLUSTMAG.COM WANDERLUST 33