Wall Street Letter VOL. XLV, NO. 36 - December 2013 | Page 5

DECEMBER 2013 POST-TRADE SS&C expected to nearly double Evansville staff S ability to grow to about 175 to 200 people with this new S&C Technologies will take on 75 to 100 new staff space.” members in an expansion of its Evansville office, acA primary reason for expansion is that the staff had cording to Kyle Fields, director of fund operations and grown considerably since the inception of the location managing director of the office. to the point that SS&C had to take on an extra 8,600 “We are looking for accounting or finance backsquare feet of office space in downtown Evansville to acgrounds, with students coming right out of school or commodate for this round of hiring, according to Fields. have been working for four or five years in accounting KYLE FIELDS director of fund New hires are welcome from any region but he said finance,” said Fields. “These hires will be a primary operations and managing director, SS&C his focus is on farming for talent at local institutions, driver for organic growth and taking on new clients.” Technologies he said. This strategy will be spearheaded by recent hire Earlier estimates by the firm expected the office would Shauna Jones, re