Walking On Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2019 | Page 4

WHOA Dispatch Gala & Awards Banquet Update Rule Books Updated The Walking Horse Owners rule books have been updated and are now available on the WHOA website. The new official rule books for Flat Shod or Versatility may be viewed or printed for use.The rule books have exten- sive revisions with rule changes highlighted in red type.  Any use of the Walking Horse Owners’ Association rule books, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited unless used at Walking Horse Own- ers’ Association affiliated or sponsored events. 4 • Walking On The Walking Horse Owners Association Banquet scheduled for February 9th in Arrington, Tennes- see has reached its planned seating of 250. We are currently checking for additional seating and need to hear from you if you would like to attend. Please contact us immedi- ately or by February 1st. We have been asked about the dress code for this event; it is “Semi-Formal or After Six At- tire” meaning that tuxes are not re- quired, nor are long, formal dresses. A silent auction will be held and many enjoy contributing items to support WHOA. If you would like to donate something please contact the WHOA office or Charlie How- ard ([email protected]). Items may be brought to the WHOA office or, at the time of the event. A video photo montage will be available during the banquet. If you have a photograph of a special horse show or event you would like to share with guests please forward them to Jodi DeDecker-Bubar. Photos should be in jpg format to [email protected] with the subject line of “Gala Pics”.