Walking On Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2015 | Page 6

Wisconsin Walking Horse Association’s Youth Group Takes to the Internet to Learn From Walking Horse Experts Via Social Media by Renee Stasiewicz, Vice President and Youth Group Leader, Wisconsin Walking Horse Association (WWHA) The Wisconsin Walking Horse Association (WWHA), has taken to the Internet to meet experts from around the country to learn more about the Tennessee Walking Horse. No, they aren’t googling or surf-in’ the web. Instead they are participating in live, on-line interactive, web-meeting sessions. Everyone is able to connect in-person via a web meeting system and can hear, see and interact with each other. This dynamically changes everything! Now, hundreds of miles disappear between Wisconsin and some of the Tennessee Walking Horse experts who live in Tennessee and other parts of the country. In recent years, the WWHA has had an influx of youth in the club - topping a dozen this year. That’s 3 to 6 times more than we typically have. That also means the WWHA Youth Group has more youth, with more questions, than ever before. Most don’t drive, and many are speckled all over the state of Wisconsin - making meeting in person a challenge, and educational opportunities far and few between. But, in 2015 in walks a new idea, an association willing to try something different, and a group youth who are well versed in apps, computers, androids and iPads...who are ready to learn more about our wonderful breed the Tennessee Walking Horse. 6 • Walking On “We’ve just started this new series of online, interactive education sessions on the walking horse,” explains Renee Stasiewicz, the WWHA Youth director for 2015. “Its more of a pilot concept right now.” However, it was an instant hit with the youth right from the very first night when we did a test drive to make sure everyone had the right software loaded and could hear and see each other p ɽ