Walking On Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2015 | Page 7

What is it about showing that you enjoy most? I like being around the horses and the people. My family has made lifelong friends in this business. Many of those people we only see at shows. I like working in the barn and getting everything ready for the shows. We keep a few horses at home so I have a chance to be involved and know all the hard work and dedication it takes to be successful. What was it like to make victory passes at the International, Celebration and the National? It was really fun. I had been reserve at the International and Celebration in 2013 with High Tide Surfin. I really never thought about winning I just wanted to make good rides. Once we won at the International I was excited to show Red at the Celebration. My Mom kept saying “just do your best and smile Brady!” Red and I really started clicking as a team and the Celebration was great. I was really excited to win. Then we went to the NWHA Nationals and Red and I did it again. I really never thought about winning at all three I just showed my horse. What will you remember most about those shows? I will remember the fun times we had at the barn and that winning is fun but doing your best is the most important thing. I will also remember one of my fellow competitors Rain Sims who won my class the year before and his parents being gracious and congratulating me after the class. My parents always say horse shows are more than horses and teach kids life seasons. I just thought that was super classy! What are your plans and goals for next show season? My plans are to continue to show and have fun. I love to catch ride other horses and I hope I get those opportunities. Is there anything else you’d like to say about achieving this triple-crown, Zach Parsons, or JJ’s Red Bull? Zach and Ms. Jessica are great to me and Red. I was so thrilled we both did well for them and for my family. I am looking forward to a great show season next year! 7