Waldensian Review No 132 Summer 2018 | Page 7

teaching the many illiterate people who approached the Church. In 1934 he was sent to the Waldensian Valleys to be Riesi’s representative to a Conference of the young people’s groups. He also attended Synod and, once there, he felt he was in his real homeland. He sent a letter to the Church reporting on the meeting and the Synod and one to his family telling them that he would not come back. He then spent the next 59 years between Turin and the Valleys. He en- rolled in Turin University to study Italian Literature and was very active in all aspects of Church life: Sunday School, music, plays, youth groups … Despite his increased activity as a painter, in 1939 he asked to enrol at the Faculty of Theology. After a good first year he was recalled to the Army and eventually gave up his Theological studies. After the war he was very active in organising and promoting Art events, became Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Turin, took part in the Bien- nale of Venice four times, and was also an art critic! In 1949 a tutor of Collegio Valdese in Torre Pellice asked him to ex- plain contemporary art to the students; Filippo opted for an improvised show with the lat- est avant-garde production, and carried on with these Contem- porary Art exhibitions in Torre Pellice during Synod time for the next 40 years! He also had a private school and his generous attitude towards his neighbour, especially young new artists, made the Art critic of La Stampa call him ‘the Pastor of Arts’. Two of his self-portraits are in the Corridoio Vasariano at the Uffizi. On his tomb he designed an ascendant abstract arrow with the inscrip- tion: IN TENEBRIS LUX (in the darkness light). ES From the 2017 Waldensian Synod Delegate’s Report The 2017 Synod marked the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. The opening Sermon from the Dean of the Theological College in Rome, Fulvio Ferrario, took Luther’s first Thesis as his text from Mark 1: verses 14 & 15: Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the 5