Wagons West Chronicles October Issue 2016 October Issue | Page 8

8 October 2016 Wagons West Chronicles



Held that a Father is Not Bound in a Legal Sense to Support His Child
April 3 , 1891 , Gazette , Fort Worth , Texas — The court of appeals today handed down an interesting decision : Frieda Huke , who has taken to the stage chorus as a means of support since her father , William Huke , thrust her out of doors , sued her father in the circuit court to compel him to maintain her . The parent ’ s demurrer to her petition was sustained , and she appealed to the court of appeals , Judge Thompson writes an opinion , and holds that the child has no action against her father for maintenance . He says that by the common law of England the father is not bound to support his child in the sense that the obligation has any legal sanction .
General Crook . General Canby .
April 24 , 1873 , The Weekly Union , San Diego , California — It was the old Colyer “ peace ” farce over again , at the seat of the Modoc disturbances . For weeks prior to the dreadful massacre of Friday last it was evident to everybody that the
attempt to argue the point with the Modocs was an utterly hopeless thing — that nothing would settle the matter but bullets — the remedy that ought to have been resorted to last December . General Canby was thor- Continued on next column
The Indiwn “ Peace ” from previous column oughly convinced of this ; he was ready to act , and wanted to act — promptly and vigorously , but he was hampered from the beginning . The
Call of Saturday last ( the morning of the day on which the news of the massacre was received ), reviewing the situation in the light of the latest dispatches , said : “ At every step of General Canby ’ s progress it becomes necessary for him to telegraph to Washington for further instructions . Red tapery says , ‘ Hold on .’ Thus whatever plans the General may have formed are frustrated by those who know little about the situation . If left to himself , he would doubtless bring the difficulty to a close speedily . As it is , he is to be pitied .” To be pitied , indeed ; for at the moment these words were written , General Canby was lying stark in death , a martyr to that temporizing policy which has cost the lives of many hundreds of good men in Arizona Territory .
The situation of Canby in the north was precisely similar to that of Crook in Arizona , when Vincent Colyer presented himself on the scene . Crook had completed all his arrangements and was ready to act against the Apaches , when Colyer came , bearing beads and blankets for the murderers , and caused the movement of the troops to be stayed . Then ensued a period of inaction on the part of the military and trifling negotiations on the part of Colyer ’ s peace commissioners , during which the Indians murdered and plundered the people of Arizona at their own sweet will . At last the massacre of the gifted young Fred Loring and his companions in the Wickenburg stage , roused the country , and Colyer went down before the indignant outcry of the people . But , even then , no sooner
had Crook begun to chastise the Apaches than the “ peace ” shriekers set up another howl , and had O . O . Howard sent out to tie his hands . Crook retired to his headquarters in disgust to await the conclusion of the farce . Meanwhile the Indians had some long and very edifying talks with Howard and murdered about fifty farmers and miners in various parts of the Territory , to keep their hands in while the negotiations were going on . Howard , oblivious to the murders that were going on around him , received the assurances of the savages that “ their hearts were good ,” and went back to Washington , causing it to be telegraphed in advance that he had made peace with the Apaches . But murder followed murder in such rapid succession and the destruction and spoliation of property became so great that it was at last reluctantly concluded by the Washington authorities that General Crook had better go ahead as he had proposed to do in the beginning .
In the North , the consequences of the “ peace ” farce seem more appalling than in Arizona , because of the high character of the victims of the late massacre . But in our neighboring Territory , during the period of the Colyer foolery , more than a hundred citizens were murdered by the Apaches , and the devastation wrought was an hundred fold greater than has yet been caused by the Modoc Indians .
Crook and Canby were hampered by the same malign influence . Crook fortunately lives to carry out the true peace policy in Arizona . Canby , in the manner of his untimely death , bears testimony that will be heard throughout the land in condemnation of the sham peace policy of Colyer , Howard & Co .
Women ’ s Sphere from page 7 cuffs and collar embroidered with gold .
Distinctive features in millinery are , first , a transparency and airiness of design ; next , an accenting of the flat crowns which obtained to such an extent during the past few months ; third , and almost oriental richness of color and material , and last , a prodigal use of flowers .
Sleeves are still made long , wide above and narrow toward the wrists . The bell sleeve is no longer the dressmaker ’ s favorite . Large puffs with narrow cuffs , nice epaulets and wavy cape sleeves are sure to meet favor . Contrasting sleeves in silk , velvet , etc ., have been worn and will again be favorites .