VSS Annual Report 14-15 | Page 24

SUSTAINABILITY VSS Financial Performance The net result for the financial year ended 30 June 2015 was a surplus of $77,000, which is $12K higher than the revised budget of $65,000. The retained surplus will enable VSS to continue to invest in key strategic projects currently underway and hence continue providing improved services to Victims of Crime and the South Australian Community Statement of Comprehensive Income for the Year Ended 30 June 2015 2014-15 $ 2013-14 $ 2012-13 $ 2011-12 $ 2010-11 $ 3,248,000 2,819,000 2,656,000 2,460,000 1,803,000 3,171,000 2,678,000 2,647,000 2,502,000 1,827,000 Surplus/Deficit 77,000 141,000 9,000 -42,000 -25,000 Unrealised Gains/Losses on Investments 19,000 62,000 72,000 -30,000 -10,000 ACCUMULATED FUNDS AT END OF FINANCIAL YEAR 531,000 435,000 232,000 151,000 225,000 Revenue Expenses Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2015 2014-15 $ Assets 22 VSS 2014/15 Annual Report 2013-14 $ 2012-13 $ 2011-12 $ 2010-11 $ 1,002,000 883,000 519,000 499,000 618,000 Liabilities 470,000 448,000 278,000 348,000 393,000 Equity 531,000 435,000 232,000 151,000 225,000