VSS Annual Report 14-15 | Page 14

SAFETY Family Safety Framework The Family Safety Framework exists to provide an integrated, interagency approach to supporting families most at risk of experiencing death or serious injury due to domestic violence. Support is provided in a structured and systematic way, through agencies sharing information and implementing an action plan with the priority aim of reducing risk. Under the Framework, VSS continues to both participate in, and provide administrative support to, eighteen meetings across the state and is also a member of the 12 12 VSS VSS 2014/15 Annual Report 2014/15 Annual Report statewide Implementation Committee. Family Safety Framework meetings take place on a fortnightly basis in each Police Local Service Area, typically attended by Family Violence Officers from SAPOL, Community Corrections, Families SA, Housing SA, local DV service providers, Drug and Alcohol Services SA, Mental Health Services, and Health Services. In 2014-15, VSS provided administrative support to nearly 500 Family Safety Framework meetings across the State.