Volunteers Make Abbeyfield Volunteers Make Abbeyfield | Page 26

Freda Freda plans and arranges a comprehensive programme of activities for the benefit of the residents. “ We offer our residents mental and physical stimulation in a caring and supportive way. “ One of the activities is a creative group that involves dance, movement and art and includes the children from a local school. The sessions are full of energy, fun and laughter. They are not about age, they are about enjoying each others company, learning new skills and playing games. It’s hard to pick out who is the volunteer within intergenerational activity. Both the younger and older generations get so much out of spending time together. The residents’ and the local school children’s faces come alive when they see each other. Playing together is good for both mental and physical well-being, while also creating greater understanding between the generations. “ It is wonderful! Any involvement with schools is going to be good on both sides. Our residents love to see the children and it is amazing how lively they can be! “