Volunteer Essentials Volunteer Essentials 2015-16 - Updated 5/31/17 | Page 132

before the Adult Award Committee meets to review the nominations . This award will be recognized at the Annual Meeting , and will only be given once a year . Please submit the nomination form to the designated GSWPA staff person by emailing adultaward @ gswpa . org .
4 ) If possible , a photograph of the nominated individual should be submitted with the nomination for use in other media promotion for this award and in preparation for the GSWPA Annual Meeting .
5 ) Once completed , the forms and all required letters of endorsement are submitted together to the designated GSWPA staff person at the Johnstown Office .
6 ) Once nomination forms are received by the designated GSWPA staff person , they are reviewed to make sure they are complete and that the nominated volunteer is currently a registered adult Girl Scout member . Previous award recognitions are also checked . Volunteers are only eligible to receive the Volunteer of the Year Award once .
7 ) The Adult Awards Review Committee , comprised of adult volunteers from throughout the Council , will review the nomination and will select one awardee based on the criteria met and the information provided .
8 ) The designated GSWPA staff person will order the pin to be made , unless one is already in stock . As this is a one of a kind award , award pins are designed and made in Western Pennsylvania . Adequate time should be allowed to ensure that the artisan has the time she / he needs in order to complete this task .
9 ) Following presentation , awardee may be additionally recognized through other mediums , such as the GSWPA website and social media , Volunteer Kudos , and news releases to local community newspapers and / or publications .
10 ) The designated GSWPA staff person will ensure that the award information is entered in the volunteer ’ s record .
11 ) The designated GSWPA staff person will notify retention and recruitment staff when volunteers are nominated .