Volunteer Essentials Volunteer Essentials 2015-16 - Updated 5/31/17 | Page 125

Release of a Volunteer Procedure 1. Upon notification from either the volunteer’s supervisor or the employed staff supervisor, issues regarding a volunteer’s release from service will be discussed with the functional staff and director of the appropriate department. The Vice President, Recruitment & Retention will also be made aware of the situation. A plan of action will be determined including whether the volunteer’s release is from the council or from a specific volunteer position. Once final decision is determined, the volunteer’s record will be updated in GSWPA’s database to indicate a “do not appoint” status and if deemed necessary, the troop/service unit checking account will be frozen. 2. The volunteer’s supervisor will request a meeting with the volunteer to be released. The employed staff supervisor should also be present. The meeting will outline why the volunteer is to be released. References such as the position description and Volunteer Essentials should be utilized during the release as necessary. 3. The volunteer will be given the opportunity to provide and document comments on these issues regarding their performance. 4. The director, recruitment & retention will work with staff supervisor who will generate a release letter utilizing a template citing specific reasons for dismissal. This letter will be mailed to the volunteer within two (2) business days. A copy of the dismissal letter will be forwarded to the appropriate staff for GSWPA database updates and filing. 5. If the volunteer is in the Troop, the GSWPA staff will notify the service unit manager or appropriate service team members. The service unit manager and/or the GSWPA staff will hold parent meetings as deemed necessary. 6. The voluntary resignation by a volunteer will be addressed in the operating procedure titled Accepting a Volunteer’s Resignation. 7. GSWPA reserves the right to immediately dismiss and restrict participation of any volunteer based on the severity of incident.