Volume 7 Issue 1 The Women Warrior Edition | Page 74


Let ’ s Climb

By Jennifer Yon
ix years ago , IBA Success Magazine was only a dream . Today , with the assistance of Advertisers , Readers , Supporters , and of course , The IBA Family , we have reached many goals that we have set out to accomplish for the year . Goal-setting is a priority in creating the success in life that you desire . One thing I know for sure is that we all have inside of us what is needed to create success . The question is ; Are you pushing yourself to the limit , or are you just being comfortable where you are ?
For me , I have learned to never accept “ No ” for an answer or dwell over problems . Instead , seek out the solution that will allow you to move forward to align yourself with success ! As we move forward in 2021 , it is imperative to set goals and invest the time needed to see results . Staying focused is the key to everlasting growth .
Several times this year , I have been tempted with opportunities that were not parallel to my set goals . I have now labeled those temptations as distractions . Although there are many ways a person can create success , the only way to maintain is to stay focused on your When ’ s , What ’ s , and Why ’ s :
When do you plan on executing your vision ? What is needed to achieve success ? And most importantly , Why are you doing this ? By asking yourself these simple questions periodically , you are more apt to make decisions based on your goals , thereby eliminating distractions .
As we take you into 2021 , we encourage you to create success within yourself and assist others along the way . Preserve yourself for the work needed to build a better and strong you . Know your value and never change your goals because of others ’ opinions . 2020 was a blast . “ Let ’ s continue to climb together !” n
Are you ready to act on your ideas ? Contact Jennifer Yon Agency to schedule your business brainstorming consultation today . Mention IBA Success for a complimentary 30-minute consult . 1-800-719-8231 / pr @ jenniferyon . com
70 IBA Success Magazine n VOL 7 , Issue 1