Vollkorn Magazine 06.03.2017 | Page 307

О непереносимость лактозы у детей
1 . Lactose intolerance : Definition . [ Электронный ресурс ] URL : www . mayoclinic . org / diseasesconditions / lactose-intolerance / basics / definition / con-20027906 2 . Lactose Intolerance - Treatment Overview [ Электронный ресурс ] URL : http :// www . webmd . com / digestive-disorders / tc / lactose-intolerance-treatment-overview # 1 3 . Lactose intolerance . The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse ( NDDIC ). Updated June 2014 . [ Электронный ресурс ] URL : https :// www . niddk . nih . gov / health-information / digestivediseases / lactose-intolerance 4 . Laktosefreie Lebensmittel : Nicht immer sinnvoll . Электронный ресурс ] URL : https :// www . verbraucherzentrale . de / laktosefreie-lebensmittel 5 . When can my baby eat nuts ? [ Электронный ресурс ] URL : http :// www . parents . com / advice / babies / feeding / when-can-my-baby-eat-nuts 6 . Lactose Intolerance [ Электронный ресурс ] URL : https :// medlineplus . gov / ency / article / 000276 . htm 7 . Foods for Special Dietary Needs : Non-dairy Plant-based Milk Substitutes and Fermented Dairy-type Products . [ Электронный ресурс ] URL : https :// www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 25575046 8 . Almond Milk : Nutrition & Benefits [ Электронный ресурс ] URL : http :// www . livescience . com / 51695- almond-milk-nutrition . html 9 . Consensus Communication on Early Peanut Introduction and the Prevention of Peanut Allergy in High-risk Infants . [ Электронный ресурс ] URL : http :// pediatrics . aappublications . org / content / 136 / 3 / 600 10 . Lactose intolerance : Clinical manifestations , diagnosis , and management [ Электронный ресурс ] URL : https :// www . uptodate . com / contents / lactose-intolerance-clinical-manifestations-diagnosis-andmanagement ? source = search _ result & search = lactose % 20intolerance & selectedTitle = 1 ~ 150
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