VOL Parish Weekly Bulletin January 22, 2017 | Page 4

January 22 , 2017 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 4
The VOL Alumni Scholarship Award
Sponsored by : The Visitation of Our Lady Men ’ s Club
The members of the VOL Men ’ s Club recognize the value and importance of a Catholic high school education for the alumni of VOL School . The purpose of our award is to encourage active participation in service to the Catholic Church , Catholic schools . charitable causes , and to provide our scholarship recipients with assistance for a portion of Catholic high school tuition expenses . Our club is based on the principles of service to the Catholic Church , VOL School , charities and our local community . We require that our scholarship recipients exhibit these same characteristics of service .
A Catholic school education is an investment in our children ’ s future . If you would like to assist the VOL Men ’ s Club in their mission to raise funds for the Scholarship Award , kindly consider making a donation . Contributions of any amount are greatly appreciated .
If you are an individual or business owner interested in making any year-end financial contributions to worthy causes , kindly consider a contribution to our scholarship fund . Contributions of any amount are welcome . Contribution forms for our scholarship fund are located in the literature rack in the vestibule of the church . You may also contact the pastoral center . The VOL Men ’ s Club is a non-profit organization . Your generous financial contribution may be tax-deductible , consult with your income tax advisor .
To learn more about this program , please take a flier from the literature rack in the vestibule of church .
Substance Addiction Ministry
SAM is a parish-based ministry that is designed to provide a safe , confidential place for people touched by addiction to share their personal experiences with others . SAM provides general educational information about addiction through professionals in this field . SAM ’ s mission is to offer help , healing , hope , and support to anyone who are afflicted with or affected by addictions . Our mission ' s goal is to help these individuals reconnect with self , loved ones , and God . We are available to people of all faiths . The group does not provide professional diagnosis , therapy , counseling or treatment ; that is left to the professionals . We do however provide a list of referrals of local addiction facilities and professionals that we have already had come speak at our group meetings .
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday , January 24th @ 7 p . m . in the church meeting room . For more information contact Dc . Jerry Labadot @ 495-5820 .

Welcome to

Not a member ? Want to become one ?
Call Mr . Danny @ 957-5848 . New members always welcome !!
Youth in grades 5 – 7 are invited to attend meetings the second Saturday of each month in the youth room . Meetings start at 6:30 p . m . and end at 8 p . m .
Teens in grades 8 – 12 are invited to attend CYO meetings the 4th Saturday of every month in the youth room . Meetings start at 6:30 p . m . and end at 8 p . m .
VOL will place in the last bulletin of the month the names of our active duty soldiers so that we can pray for them . By name ! Daily ! Please contact our Parish Secretary , Kelli Bourgeois at 347-2203 or email kbourgeois @ vol . org , with the names of your active duty loved ones .
Let us show our love for them with our prayers .