VOL Parish Weekly Bulletin January 22, 2017 | Page 2

January 22 , 2017 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 2
Views From The Pews
The “ Frustrated parent ” writes : This is so sad . Parents and parishioners at VOL Church and School always seem to hear the spin of financial difficulties to be for more money . Here ’ s a few thoughts : 1 . Maybe we should get the Archbishop to supplement our Church and School at VOL . After all , he was the one who pulled a vast amount of 8th graders who helped support our school and Church finances at VOL . Now tuition seems to go up faster without them .
2 . Whoever had the brain idea to build the new gym and classrooms should be fired . The Archdiocese obviously knew their plan was to likely downsize our school and now we are left with the building fee for the next 20 years . Seems like a complete scam !
3 . Some years ago we sold the pre-k building . Where was this money spent ? Since the classrooms were put inside the new gym building , I sure hope this was applied to lower the mortgage . If I know the Catholic way , I suspect this money made off the sale was put into the Church and leave the parents / students to be stuck with the full balance of the building forever . This legacy should be known public to everyone whoever came up with this .
4 . I would love to see the “ publish ” amount Father Mike donates since he became a priest and was able to keep his riches for him and his family while taking on these obligations for struggling middle class families on the westbank . Bottom-line is we are all making sacrifices . VOL should be showing a sign of good faith for all of us that are too by making the same cutbacks . If this involves layoffs , so be it . Sincerely , Frustrated parent struggling to support 2 kids in Catholic school at VOL .
“ I understand your frustration . Here are my responses . 1 . I fought losing the 8 th Grade for 2 ½ years . I lost . I fought because I believe it ’ s important to teach leadership to 8 th graders after they finally reach the right developmental stage . That opportunity is lost when 8 th grade is in high school . I did not fight to retain 8 th grade to keep 8 th grade tuitions . VOL loses money on every student . So , ironically , losing the 8 th grade was a “ financial ” plus . By the way , VOL is in the middle of the tuition pack on the West Bank . We are more than $ 1,000 per year below the most expensive West Bank school .
Continued in next column
Views From The Pews continued
2 . Building the gym was a decision made by parishioners . When I arrived , I asked what parishioners wanted but had never gotten . They said “ a gym .” It was built without getting anyone ’ s upfront donation . The gym ’ s mortgage is paid for in approximately equal amounts by Cajun Fest profits and a tuition surcharge . 3 . The money received from the sale of the old Pre-K Building was applied to the Padre Hall II mortgage . 4 . My annual income is approximately $ 52,000 . I get approximately $ 25,000 from VOL ( that includes extra money for serving after age 70 and for being pastor .). I also get approximately $ 25,000 in Social Security . And I get a very small pension of approximately . $ 2,000 from a company for which I once worked . Here ’ s how I spend it . I give $ 15,250 to VOL . I give $ 10,000 to other charities . I pay my grandchildren ’ s tuition and fees at Dominican and Jesuit . That ’ s another $ 16,000 or so . I live on the other $ 10,750 . If I need more , I sell stock that is not in trust for my children . I drive a 2004 car . Many of my clothes are 20-to-25 years old . I try to live frugally . I fully understand you are making sacrifices . I try hard to do so as well .
Did You Know ?
A 2016 Gallup Poll says approximately 79 % of Americans identify with a formal religion .
Protestant / Other Christian
48.9 %
23.0 %
2.3 %
1.8 %
0.8 %
Other non-Christian
2.5 %
None / Atheist / Agnostic
18.2 %
No response
2.6 %
Fr . Mike
Fr . Mike
Spiritual Adoption Program
The Spiritual Adoption Program began on January 14th . You may join the Spiritual Adoption Program anytime during the month of January by simply taking a blank pledge card from the vestibule of the church , fill it out , and place it into the basket by the Blessed Mother statue anytime BEFORE OR AFTER masses . Keep the prayer card and say the prayer daily for your spiritually adopted baby .